Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tick talk.

I did yard work today. I told myself I wouldn't post about such a boring subject, but something really interesting happened. Allow me to relay my experience to you.

I got home recently and checked for ticks. You see, I had spent the entire day in the woods and walking through tall grass. I was greeted by a small creature with his face inside my epidermis. I shan't be naming that guy. He's evil. I hate him.

Seriously! The nerve of him! He was trying to get inside my body. I tried to rip him out and got most of him. His face remains inside of me. It was actually really creepy. As hard as I pulled, he held on tighter.

Josh actually agrees with me. We're both afraid of and creeped out by ticks now. As if, I needed yet another irrational fear.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think ticks are an irrational fear...mostly because I'm immensely creeped out by them. *nods*
