Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I apologize

You might have noticed that the previous post was even more boring than usual. I apologize. That was actually a school assignment. In writing that, I have completed all but one of my subjects. Thats right. I am one test away from completing high school and two college classes. I'm not even 18. Anywho. I don't say all of this to brag. I just wanted to explain myself.

Not That Simple

The average person probably doesn’t spend too much time dwelling on the subject of economics. Only to swoop in and touch on the subject briefly by boldly stating that the economy has a fondness for taking in vast amounts of air. We blame our problems on the economy. Most people seem to think it should just be “fixed.” As if politicians are immeasurably dense and need to just duct tape the thing already!

                I’m no great fan of politicians, nor do I trust them. But to honestly think that the economy is something that should be fixed easily and quickly is absurd. It’s just not that simple.

                Economics is defined as “The branch of knowledge concerned with the production, consumption, and transfer of wealth.” That might seem like a simple thing to understand. After all, wouldn’t you just need information about how wealth is transferred and goods are produced and consumed? Wouldn’t you be able to twist that system any direction you like, without much effort?

                The short answer is, nope. Economics isn’t just a list of numbers and charts and graphs. It isn’t a set of statistics. Economics isn’t a science ruled by cold, hard facts. It’s pushed and prodded by human desires and emotions, which makes it more stable than any scientific law ever could.

                There are many laws and rules that govern economics. Chief among them is the balance between supply and demand. Supply is the amount of goods or services that a company can produce. While demand refers to how many consumers want those goods and services. The single most crucial thing to keep in mind is that there is always a balance. The market is always pushing to be at equilibrium. It’s striving to even out the supply produced with the demand for that supply.

                A market will always even out the scales between those two forces. Allow me to broaden your understand with a few examples.

                Let’s say for a moment that you have an uncontrollable urge to snack on some spiced ham. You rush into the nearest grocery store and hurry to the aisle where Spam is usually located. It’s not there. You are shocked. Horrified, even. How could this have happened? At that moment your eye catches on the price sticker. It dropped a dollar in price since last week.

                Obviously, dozens of other shoppers saw the drop and took advantage of it. Due to the price drop, demand for spiced ham shot up. And to find equilibrium again, the supply dropped down. To nothing, in your case.

                Now let’s pretend that you go to get some tissues to wipe the tears off of your face after the spiced ham catastrophe. The tissues are there. But you decide you don’t want to buy it. The price for tissues has gone up. You think that twenty dollars per box is an exorbitant price, so you use your shirt sleeve. Now the higher price brought demand down, and as a result the supply is unusually high.

                Price isn’t the only effect though. Maybe it’s quality or the income of a person or even competition. If the prices for chicken go up, people will naturally begin to eat more beef.

                These forces of supply and demand balance out the economy on their own, usually. In some instances though, some regulation is necessary. A common way of controlling a market is by using what is called a “price ceiling” or a “price floor.” They are exactly what the sound like they are. When a price ceiling is set in place, then a product cannot sell for more than that predetermined price. Conversely, when a price floor is in place the price must stay above a certain level.

                The economy then uses other means to balance itself out. When the price is locked in at a certain height, the demand will usually go up. When that happens, supply drops off.

                Another thing that happens is when something has a fixed demand or supply. A fixed demand would be a life-saving drug. It doesn’t matter how expensive that drug gets, people will pay for it. A fixed supply might be a professional sporting event. They only have so many seats and if they run out, then they run out. In that instance, demand will fluctuate greatly.

                All of these factors are only the simplest of the forces that weigh on economics. To cover everything would take years and years of study. In all honesty, many economists do not even fully understand economics and all its subtleties. One thing for everyone to remember is that it isn’t just about money. It’s about human nature. To make economics seem like a simple matter for the sake of politics is foolish. Economics is a cruel science. It doesn’t favor republicans or democrats. It doesn’t choose between conservatives and liberals. It merely tells the truth. It’s up to us to understand it.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

If I may be so Italic...

I love italics. I love them muchly. They're just so...tilt-ish.

You know?

I especially love them when they magically appear in a sentence.

Like so...

"The great water buffalo swam across the river and nearly drowned."

That, right there, is a fantabulous sentence. You have adventure, and drama, and more than a hint of sarcasm seeping through the tilted letters.

This is all I had to say about Italics. Tune in next week for my post about bold lettering and a quirky pun in the title. It'll be a real treat.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Shortest (and brownie point-iest) post ever.


I heart you. Have fun being 29. Again.

July 4, 1776

I learned something yesterday. It turns out that King George III had a diary. And that his diary entry for the date of July 4th, 1776 was "Nothing of importance this day."


So, what's the moral of this story?

I think it is very clearly this:

Don't get too comfortable. You never know when your colonies might revolt from you.

Love Rocks

Please don’t toss this aside expecting some sort of sappy soliloquy where I detail my deep and eternal appreciation for the concept that is “love.” I assure you that it is not. Nor is it a sarcastic tirade against false, demeaning feelings that only leave a person emotionally crippled and increasing their collection of felines. I promise it’s not that either. This is a story. It is also a rather painful one for me.
             There was this girl. Her name was Meg. Admittedly, I was stricken with intense feelings of admiration and frequent heart palpitations. I liked her a lot, ok? She liked me too, as I had recently learned. The funny thing about cute girls is that they tend to be crazy. Well, Meg had a disturbing way of showing her affection. You might meet her for the first time and think you had stumbled upon an adorable angel of cute adorableness who could do nothing remotely wrong. If you thought that, you might end up in stunned silence when she revealed her true, sinister self.
You see, this girl possessed an appearance of sweet innocence. It was that very appearance that disguised her inner darkness. She was, and is, prone to violence and constant bitterness. Honestly, I don’t know how I was fooled. Meg managed to keep up the ruse for quite some time. She actually seemed nice for a while! I thought she might even be a promising prospect of romantic interest. How very wrong I was.
Before long, her motives came out and she could bury them no longer. One day, she lost control. We were with a group of mutual friends, being silly and doing the sorts of useless things that teenagers tend to do. Somehow, a small-rock throwing contest got underway. I don’t know why, as I was innocently minding my own business. Well, I made the mistake of getting between Meg’s projectile and Meg’s brother. If you read that sentence carefully, you’ll see that it clearly spells “danger.”
The rock hit me in the head! Yes, you read that right. She was fifteen years old and threw a rock at the face of a guy she apparently liked. Those aren’t mixed messages. Those are messages that have been put in a blender all weekend. I was confused. I am still confused.
            I might be showing my ignorance here, but is that normal? It doesn’t seem like it to me. To this day, she claims that she meant to hit me in the chest and that she only did it because she liked me. I’m not sure why that’s reasonable, but she seems sure that it’s a legitimate excuse. Before anyone calls the police to inform them of a psychopathic girl with a penchant for stoning potential suitors, please know that it was a tiny rock and it was hardly a forceful throw. Still, it wounded my pride and gave me a captivatingly beautiful bruise.
            Frankly, I don’t buy her story of it having been intended for my torso. She should have stuck with the “I meant to hit my brother” excuse. I’m fairly certain that she MEANT to hit me in the head. She MEANT to cause brain damage. For a psychopath, she’s actually pretty smart. What better way to trick someone into dating a crazy person than to give them brain damage? Sadly, it worked. Apparently, that rock hit me harder than I thought, because I still like her.
            Actually, she’s sitting next to me now and encouraging me to tell this story. She finds it humorous to look back on. At that point in time, she felt horribly guilty. Now, she’s forgotten feelings of remorse and settled on chuckling about her own cruelty. I’m not sure if these romantic feelings I still feel for her are because of or in spite of the rock incident. All I know is that I still like her. I like her a lot. I might even love her. I just hope the throwing of a rock was a one-time deal. My poor brain cells can’t take any more abuse.

Monday, November 7, 2011

This Giraffe Knows Where He's No Longer Stray (Unstrayified II)

It's a vast, empty world we live in. It's a lonely path I walk on. I'll be attracting a lot of attention, I imagine. With my pursuits, it's only natural. It's to be expected. People will be watching me. Others will be telling me how to live my life, and how I'm a failure. Pressures surround me. They crush me. After a while, it's gotten old and I've gotten bitter.

I'm caught up in it and lost in anger. That's not where I should be. My focus has been taken away from God. One step at a time, He's led me where He wants to. I've learned so much and grown even more. One thing after another, God has taken care of for me. It's like He's paving in front of my footsteps.

I'm not complaining. God has blessed me so much. So much more than I deserve. All that is another post. This is about the greatest blessing he's given me: my best friend.

I've mentioned her before.

Her name is Meg.

She's incredible. She's persistent and unbearably stubborn. That's good though. She's stubborn about loving me. Probably too stubborn for her own good.

You see, when I'm struggling to be in a good mood and because of chemical imbalances in my brain I can't, all she does is try to make me smile. She tells me that she loves me a thousand times. She grins. She does loving things. In short, that girl melts me. She scares away the stress. She promises it'll all work out.

I love her. So much.

I want the whole wide world to know that she is the best, most incredible girlfriend ever.

That's not a smitten, sappy guy talking. That's not someone who isn't thinking clearly because he's madly in love. I mean, I AM smitten, sappy, and madly in love with that girl, but that's not where this is coming from. I've had her in my life for a brief two years. In comparison with the rest of our lives together, we're just starting out. But I know she's amazing. I don't just say that as her boyfriend. I say that as her best friend. I say it as the person who knows her better and loves her more than anyone else. I say that as the person who knows all her deep, dark secrets. And as the person who has cried with, hugged to death, and survived so much with her.

Mostly, I say that as the man she'll marry.

I'm not just saying a tired, old line when I tell you that I'm the luckiest guy in the world. She REALLY loves me. She loves me so much. That young woman is everything to me. And she'd do anything for me.

I can't stop thanking God. He's blessed me so much. Of all the little and large things He's orchestrated all my life to get me here, the best one was that little piece of paper. The one that I wrote one little word on. The moment I said, "sure," was the best thing I've ever done. I'd say it was the best choice that I've ever made, but it wasn't a choice. You don't "choose" to love a girl like Meg. She forces your heart into love with nothing but a grin and those brown eyes that have more love than I've seen everywhere else.

I love her. I always will.

"Where it's all a blur
You are the hard line
In the disorder
You are the peace sign"

Sunday, November 6, 2011


You're in a small house. Warmth and wood and light surrounds you. It's a little bit loud with all the people buzzing about. You don't mind though. The evening is too optimistic to bring down with thoughts of silence. Weeks have been spent mourning, but not tonight. Tonight you'll dance.

Everyone is hurrying to hang up decorations and string together lights. Apple pie is being baked in the kitchen. You smell it. Everyone smells it. It's both torturous and pleasant. You can only bear the wait because you know it can only bake for so long. Soon you'll taste it, only to forget about the wait. So you decide to enjoy the wait.

It's a beautiful night inside. Outside, the wind is howling and swirling around the tiny home. Trees rise up and glower at the house. It's a brave, little cabin sitting all alone in a forest of trees. Daring to shine out into the night, it attracts all sorts of attention. The wind batters it. The rain soaks it. The moon glares and growls.

You walk over to the frosty window to check on the moon. Just to make sure she's playing fair and minding her own business. Something catches your eye. A shape in the snow. The shape is red and curled up and shivering. It's alone.

The shape is a boy. The party is for him. He knows that. He planned the party mostly alone. The boy is sitting out in the snow expectantly. He's waiting to see headlights. No, he's straining to see headlights. Peering around trees and hoping to see light soon, he's practically bouncing. Mostly, he shivers though. He shivers a lot.

The boy wouldn't think of heading inside. He wouldn't dream of hanging up his coat. How could he? The headlights are coming soon and he must be ready when they do. Others will attend to the party. They'll set it up. But who else can wait for the headlights? No one but him.

The boy waited hours and hours. Night was dragging by. Finally, the smell of apple pie dragged him inside by the ankles. He flung off his jacket and sunk into his favorite sofa. Before he could think of pie, sleep took him. And sleep took him for a while. Not too long though. Sleep never takes him for too long.

His eyes shot open at strange lights. Headlights shone on his ceiling. He leapt up, not seeing the party. He was out the door and in the air. His feet hit the snow, toes tingling. The car was here. The lights were here.

I am the boy.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Snowflake On Your Cheek

This is what I had written right before the power went out. It stayed out for over 67 hours. That's one heck of a coffee break. I'd finish writing this but it seems silly. Bigger and better things, Nate. Bigger and better things. If you'll excuse me, I have a rant to compose.

I might never have enjoyed peeking outside my window so much as right now. It's as if sugar is leaping from the sky and landing on my driveway. I'm not gonna lie. I love this.

I know, I know. I'm a lunatic. A marauding band of people from the surrounding areas is, no doubt, walking to my front door with evil intent. I'm sure they plan to take me from my home and murder me deep in the woods somewhere for stating such heresy.

I don't care. This is too good, too perfect not to praise. Nothing matches the first snow of the year, whether its in October or January. The first snowflake is so magical that it almost makes the subsequent months and hundreds of snowstorms worth it. Almost.

I have a confession to make.

This snowstorm is a direct result of my actions.

If that offends you, I'm sorry. If you feel a sudden and nearly unbearable urge to shove a pillow over my mouth until my flails cease and I can no longer cause emotional turmoil, then I'm also sorry.

Friday, October 28, 2011


It’s an important thing. The color yellow, that is. Like a superhero of the color spectrum, he’s in an elite group. They call themselves, “Primary Colors!” The exclamation point is a big deal to them. Never forget the exclamation point when talking to a primary color. They’ll shut you up and make you look like a dilapidated rainbow. No one wants that. So, just do yourself a favor and throw in the exclamation point even if you aren’t feeling particularly “exclamatory” that day.
            If I may say so, yellow is the kindest of the primary colors. He’ll still kick your teeth in if you offend his elite status, but he promises to do it lovingly as long as you aren’t wearing red or blue anywhere on your person. If you happen to be in a school bus or wearing a bumblebee costume, he might forget the whole incident altogether. He really can be a reasonable guy.
            Just think about what kinds of things are yellow. You’ve got sunshine, daffodils, bananas, the gross kinds of tortilla chips, wax beans, brick roads, summer squash, part of Batman’s symbol, a Coldplay album, corn, and the best Angry Bird. The possibilities for yellow are endless. How can a color that is represented by so many inspiring objects be entirely bad? I don’t think we’ve given yellow a “fair shake.”
            I’ve seen this firsthand. One day when I was walking down the street just minding my own business, a yellow goat just leapt in front of me! I said to myself, the goat, and a nearby microwave operator, “The NERVE of that goat! I’ll bet he thinks he’s better than me and more deserving of a ham sandwich on rye bread! I won’t stand for this.” So I sat down in the middle of the street. The microwave operator continued to whisper to his burrito. Did I mention that? I didn’t? The man was whispering to his burrito! Who does that? Seriously, I’m fairly certain he was flirting with it. It was gross.
            Anyway, I couldn’t spend an absurd amount of time paying attention to the creepy burrito lover. I was being summoned by a goat. Have you ever been summoned by a goat? It’s unbelievable. You feel weak, patriotic, and a slight tingle in your leg. All of that makes a guy want to listen to the goat. So you do. This specific goat was yellow, as I’ve already mentioned. Obviously, he was giving me wise words of caution.
            He thought I should get off of the road. I found that a little strange since the yellow goat was the reason I was sitting in the middle of the street. I suppose that makes sense. If one’s sole purpose is to caution people, sometimes you must create danger.
            With all this in our minds, we must conclude several things. First, yellow is beautiful. Second, yellow holds on to its responsibility like a buffalo wing holds on to a helmet. Finally, I’m wearing a chicken suit. I hope you’ve all learned a lot from my presentation on the color yellow. Don’t forget any of it. Your life hinges on it.

Things Look Grim(m)

I won't be going for walks alone in the woods for a while. Or maybe ever. I've begun watching a new show tonight. It's Grimm. I like it so far. It might become a show I love. Who knows? It got off to a weird start. Almost like it couldn't decide between being serious and being silly. Halfway through it's gotten much better.

Honestly, what's not to like about a show with detectives and fairy tales? Not much. Let me tell you.

There's just one problem with this. My over-active imagination is going to have a field-day with this. I'll be drifting off to sleep and into dreams of battling countless mythological creatures. I'll be walking down the street and wondering who would be a fairy tale creature.


Who knows why I do this to myself?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I haven't been on my blog much lately. I honestly haven't had the time. Imagine my surprise when I go on tonight and find that I happened to have EXACTLY 2,000 views. Words can't describe my happiness. I don't care if all of them were friends and family. I don't even care if all of them were me. I have had this blog for less than a year and already its been looked at 2,000 times. 2,000!

That's amazing. I don't know why anyone's listening, but I'm super happy that they are. Sorry for this boring post. Maybe it'll help to think of it as a Viewer Appreciation Post. Hmmm...

I should actually write one of those.

Soon, Faithful Viewers. Soon.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Pearly Streets And Golden Gates

Im a musician of sorts. I write songs all the time. The words end up here and the music stays in my head since I am not yet talented enough to get it out into your ears. All of my furious song writing has culminated in this moment. My very first, complete album. It is entitled Pearly Streets And Golden Gates. And the band is Eternally Stray.

I'm really happy about how all these songs have a certain flavor, and all my other songs have another flavor. Here are the songs:

We’ll Dance

Breathe in the air
Meant for sorrow
Take a good look
At what once was tomorrow
Not a bad day
In more than one way
When the walls
Forgot their purpose
Misplaced memories of their solid surface

Love’s lights dance
Behind her brown eyes
With every other step
Another floorboard sighs
If the breath that she takes
Matches the move that I make
Then the moon
Would call us her own
We’d finally be home
We’ll join the stars in their dance
Beneath the lonely expanse
And wish for
When we’re alone

Our hearts supply the beat
Which is only ignored
By our clumsy feet
Slipping across her floor
There’s no sign of music
Outside of our heads
But the dishwasher’s hum
Might be music to some
If they worried about love instead

Love’s lights dance
Behind her brown eyes
With every other step
Another floorboard sighs
If the breath that she takes
Matches the move that I make
Then the moon
Would call us her own
We’d finally be home
We’ll join the stars in their dance
Beneath the lonely expanse
And wish for
When we’re alone

If I answer to the impulse
To dance and not let go
Would I remember
This moment again?
It feels more than worth it

To remember our first dance
Anything for a smile
She laughs for a while
At something I forgot I said
Old misery so far gone
She says it’s too late
Not to fall
In love with all
She ever wanted
 I’ll hold her in my arms
Keep my hands at her sides
Right where they belong
Since she’s all mine
And I think we’ll dance
Until we’re done
Drop everything else
Just hold this one

Love’s lights dance
Behind her brown eyes
With every other step
Another floorboard sighs
If the breath that she takes
Matches the move that I make
Then the moon
Would call us her own
We’d finally be home
We’ll join the stars in their dance
Beneath the lonely expanse
And wish for
When we’re alone

Letters to a Thieving Moon

Dear Moon
I thought you might like to know
That you just stole
What is dearest to me
You can’t hide the fact
You stuck a knife in my back
And I know that you’re a thief

Another day
Another choice not mine to make
Another night
Another smile mine to fake
With misery picking a fight
I wish that time would finally wait
So I don’t have to
I might have misplaced my say
In the matter
If you could go or stay
I’d vote for the latter

The moon’s grinning face
Hid the curse
It just wished upon me
As I say “hi”
To its cool, pale gleam
I might as well
Wave goodbye
To the source of my
Missing heartbeat

Another day
Another choice not mine to make
Another night
Another smile mine to fake
With misery picking a fight
I wish that time would finally wait
So I don’t have to
I might have misplaced my say
In the matter
If you could go or stay
I’d vote for the latter

Warmth and your glow
Ignite the chill in my bones
That peace you placed in my heart
Was lessened at least in part
When you reached down
Beneath the depths
Of the cold, hard ground
And without a second thought
Dear Moon, you broke my heart
Now that she’s not here
She’s standing over there
Gazing at your face
Hanging in the air
Thinking it’s not fair


Under the cloudy canopy
Known to some as northern Tennessee
I found myself in a downpour
That could be called torrential
It wasn’t until then
That my poncho did seem essential

It’s a relief
A release
The gravelly streets and I
Are in disbelief

We walked and you talked
In your all too prudent
New York accent
I hated it
And you bit into
A letter of intent

Catch your gasps of breath
You left me here
To die this death
We both knew
She’d twist us askew
I am finally getting in
And settling
For my title
Of “has-been”

It’s a relief
A release
The gravelly streets and I
Are in disbelief

Hours before the Sun’s alarm
Is set to blare
I’m grinning and shaking
In streetlight after streetlight’s glare
Do you smell worn-out paint splatter?
I don’t either
But that never really mattered
I see the blue
I smell it in the harsher avenues

It’s a relief
A release
The gravelly streets and I
Are in disbelief

The stars aren’t lit up quite yet
I’ve been told they will be
Warmth known to erase regret
I don’t have it in me
To nod and pretend to agree
Nothing is able to reset
Just me

It’s a relief
A release
The gravelly streets and I
Are in disbelief

The scent of gasoline
Warms the innermost parts of me
I’ve tripped and fallen in
Too many caverns
For my liking
Print me out a whole new pattern
I’ll taste the jet black ink
And tell you what I think

It’s a relief
A release
The gravelly streets and I
                                 Are in disbelief

Drops of rain hit my window
Then drip into my soul
They can’t dampen
The mood Im in
Because I already know

I already know too much
To turn around
I’ve met the only one
Who can save me if I drown
I know I’ll never be lonely
Since you promised me
I’d be the only
One that you would love

I know you love me
And I love you
Now the only choice
We have left to choose
Is if we mean it
I know we mean it
We’re the only ones
We’ll ever love

You’re the only one who understands
The only one who will hold my hand
When I need it
And I need you
You’re the only girl I want by my side
Now and for the rest of my life
Oh, I love you
And you know I always will

You’re the only best friend I’ll ever need
The only one who will never leave
And I’ll never walk away
Because you’re here to stay
You promised you’d always stay
With me

Only you ever took the time
To take a long, hard look inside
Of my heart
And love me
Despite what you see

I know you love me
And I love you
Now the only choice
We have left to choose
Is if we mean it
I know we mean it
I see the way you look in my eyes
And I can’t find any lies
In them
Because you love me
And you always will

You’re the only one
Who will never run
You’re here to stay
So let me say…
I love you
You’re the only girl for me
And you’ll always be
The only one
The only one for me

I’d Take The Fire Over The Frying Pan Any Day

Dancing finger-like flame
Dive, dive deeper in
Curl around your prey
Wood you bite and maim
Is turning charcoal gray
I’d wave back, but you’ve forgotten me already
So I’ll sit here with you
Since my feet can be unsteady

Dancing, shining, flickering
To what seems a random beat
I’ll tap it out
Just to find
It originates in me
While I watch the ancient coals glimmer
They soothe my aching feet
And soon it feels like summer again
Down in my snowy basement
I dance as if my feet have strength
And try not to slip into pain

Soft, inviting warmness
Draws me closer to the flames
Swirl and swing
Lick the iron roof
Face your fears
And drift for years
In an island full of proof

My heart leaps with the sparks
Before they disappear
They’re gone too soon
Gone from me
Gone like you
Soon will be

The peppery scent
Of smoke and fire
The first one sent
Not to the sky, but higher

Pine needles bend and twist
Between my toes
They crack
I pretend we kissed
And we’re taken aback

The rusty breeze
And its metallic glow
Waft up from the street
Just to let you know
You’re finally home

The word “Cutie” comes to mind
But I’ll ignore it to pass the time
Too bad you begged me for a response
I haven’t yet mastered nonchalance
Will you please understand
That this night
Is nothing at all like
Sleight of hand?

That star flew
It sprang and I knew
By the reflection
Of my glasses
I had an addiction
To each one of its passes

Smile, My Dear
Your grin has a certain
Effect on and off me
And I’ll be waiting here
Ignoring the gray
Until it reappears

When it does
It melts my heart
Seems to be enough
Straps down my head start
And Baby, every one is a work of art

You’re too cute for this
Too perfect not to miss
It’s still now
And already I reminisce
Of the hours tonight allows

If my fingers beg for yours
Would you hold me safe for hours?
I need your hand
In more ways than one
It wasn’t planned
But I’ll take the chance
In the hopes you fall in love

October blocks my view
That stop sign was brand new
It’s no wonder
It stayed covered
And out of sight
Could this ignite
Your love for me?
It couldn’t hurt
You’ll always be my first

The word “Cutie” comes to mind
But I’ll ignore it to pass the time
Too bad you begged me for a response
I haven’t yet mastered nonchalance
Will you please understand
That this night
Is nothing at all like
Sleight of hand?

Our flashlight beams
Between our cozy feet
A veritable
Tinker Bell
My Love?
Can I give you
My only thimble?
A heart attack seems all new
In this rustic
October night
I didn’t plan this
And neither did you
I wouldn’t change this
And neither could you

Fireworks Inside

Falling sparks light up the night sky
But I hardly notice their reflections in your eyes
Jarring explosions threaten to tear us apart
But we don’t care
Because they can’t compare
To the fireworks inside of our hearts.

Your hands and arms wrapped up in mine
I feel so warm and safe inside
I never want to leave this place
Your weary head rests on my shoulder
The other side seems so much colder
Your contented sigh makes my heart race
No, I never will leave this place

Despite the crowded city
I only notice you standing next to me
Im paying no attention to the merry throng
Their voices vanish from my hearing
Deep into your eyes, I am peering
Into the brown eyes which haunted my thoughts for so long

We share a calm, yet nervous smile
As if to say, “It’s been awhile.”
Even though we’re here together
I know that I’ll miss this day
When you and I have gone away
But, for a moment, our hearts are tethered

The rainbow blasts seem dull
So I wait for a quiet lull
I bend to whisper in your ear
You tighten your grip on my shaking hand
Somehow, I know you’ll understand
The thought that I need you to hear

We’ve waited for this moment our whole lives
It’s what’s kept us up at night
Try not to be distracted by
The explosions in the sky
From the fireworks inside
Of our hearts and our eyes

Who Needs a Heartbeat, Anyway?

Sitting next to the girl I love
Trying to forget the ticking clock
I don’t have a single complaint
I only wish that time would stop

With you, Megan, my world is perfect
But these seconds keep ticking past
Despite my very best efforts
These moments never seem to last
Time always flies by so fast

I recall the way my heart stopped beating
When I was first introduced to you
I know I’ll never forget that meeting
Cause now heart attacks are nothing new

Every time I see you
My tongue gets re-tied
When will I learn to say
The thoughts buried inside

I love those moments when my heart stops
Meg, do you know what you do to me?
Time almost seems to pause
When you give heart attacks so frequently

Hurry Home

I drove farther than I care to admit
To you and your worn out smile
I can hear it in your voice
You’re lost without me there
I don’t have a choice
But to stay here
Blame a cruel, twisted fate
That tears me away
My arms won’t relax their grip
Once they capture your frame
I’m ready to be home
Tell me to hurry home

Oh hurry home
Hurry into my arms
My love
Is far too strong
For you to ever be far enough
To stop it in its tracks
And as soon as you can
Please be heading back
So hurry home, Honey
Hurry home to me

You drove further than I care to admit
To me and my weary sighs
You keep telling me all about
Mountains and the sunrise
But the truth is
I cant get through this
I need to see your eyes
Feel your hands settle into mine

So hurry home
Hurry into my arms
My Love
Is far too strong
For you to ever  be far enough
To stop it in its tracks
And as soon as you can
Please be heading back
So hurry home, Honey
Hurry home to me

Well, that's it really. Thats my first album. Any observant readers will have noticed the fact that song #9 wasn't on this post. That's because it only exists as a letter at the moment and as I don't have that letter I can't yet type it out. For a while you'll just have to pretend that you know that song. I'm sorry if I bored anyone. I only meant to have fun with this. And I honestly loved every second of it.