Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Snowflake On Your Cheek

This is what I had written right before the power went out. It stayed out for over 67 hours. That's one heck of a coffee break. I'd finish writing this but it seems silly. Bigger and better things, Nate. Bigger and better things. If you'll excuse me, I have a rant to compose.

I might never have enjoyed peeking outside my window so much as right now. It's as if sugar is leaping from the sky and landing on my driveway. I'm not gonna lie. I love this.

I know, I know. I'm a lunatic. A marauding band of people from the surrounding areas is, no doubt, walking to my front door with evil intent. I'm sure they plan to take me from my home and murder me deep in the woods somewhere for stating such heresy.

I don't care. This is too good, too perfect not to praise. Nothing matches the first snow of the year, whether its in October or January. The first snowflake is so magical that it almost makes the subsequent months and hundreds of snowstorms worth it. Almost.

I have a confession to make.

This snowstorm is a direct result of my actions.

If that offends you, I'm sorry. If you feel a sudden and nearly unbearable urge to shove a pillow over my mouth until my flails cease and I can no longer cause emotional turmoil, then I'm also sorry.

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