Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I am haunted by things that shouldn't haunt anyone. They keep me up at night with spectral eyes that do nothing much but glare at me. Their presence sends me leaping into the atmosphere. I squirm, they smirk. Such is terror.

My plight is made all the worse by the constant mockery I shoulder. People laugh at me. Can I help what things scare me? NO! So don't mock. Don't judge. And don't call my fears "dumb" "irrational" or "ridiculous."

Just because butterflies and moths strike fear deep inside my heart, doesn't mean I'm a wimp. Don't act like being afraid of noodles that stand upright makes me less of a man. And why shouldn't sunflowers cause me to squirm? I didn't ask for these. I just have them.


  1. We all have things that scare us that don't make any sense - I'm *old* and still afraid of the dark! Thunderstorms scare me to death ...

  2. And let us not forget that dark, forboding corner in the basement...you know, over past the water heater and behind the furnace where lives all sorts of menacing evil and where you know that if you turn your back for just one split second, you're a gonner...so you must brave the dark and force your quaking knees to move you forward until your close enough to the light where one swift pull of the string sends darkness scurrying. yes! victory!!

    No, I'm not scared of anything...really...yeah
