Sunday, March 6, 2011


           Today, something unexpected happened. I spent my entire shift at work planning today's post. And later posts. Everything was going to go smoothly. Then I get home, opened my browser to my blog profile, and nearly died of shock. My blog had been viewed. Twice! I haven't the foggiest clue who it was. And since it was a random search website, its probably no one I know. But, whoever you are, on the off chance that you look again, HI! *waves* now please leave. You're messing up my plan. And if I do know you, then please tell me. I'd like to know how big of a failure I am at being secretive.
           Anyway, on to my originally planned topic. Life. Yes, I know. A big, broad, impossible-to-intelligently-discuss-in-a-miniscule-blog-post kind of topic. Which is why Im doing it. You see, I wrote a song. A little jingle. My thoughts on life, packed into this nifty little song.

                                                            Life and...Stuff
                                                                    If I were forced
                                                                     With a knife
                                                                   Held to my neck
                                                                  To describe life
                                                                In 10 words or less
                                                                 I'd do it in seven
                                                                    Without having
                                                                  Broken a sweat
                                                                      Or a heart
                                                               Fragile as they are
                                                               Its far more simple
                                                           Than we make it to be
                                                                "Life is to infinity
                                                                 and beyond me"

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