Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A cadaver in the making

Dear People reading this,
Today has been an odd sort of day. I was intending to write about something cheery and happy. Something changed that. And Im not entirely sure what. Well, I suppose I am sure what. I just don't know WHY it changed anything, and I refuse to do anything with that knowledge but bury it deep inside my brain. No one needs to know. Honestly, Im not sure why people are still conversing with me. But if they knew me, and I mean REALLY knew me, they wouldn't. I know that much.
Anyway, now for the point of my post. The feeling in the pit of my stomach is back. And Ill end up doing something stupid and regretable. But I must do it, whatever it is. I need to jump out a plane, or step in front of a car, or just walk to nowhere in particular. Im not sure which I prefer. Probably the nearest one.
So farewell for now. Hopefully tomorrow will be significantly more cheery.

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