"Brilliancy is nearly always foiled by New England weather. The rest of the time it is foiled by common sense, also known in some cultures as 'females.' In fact, I suspect a giant mob of common sense will murder me at any moment." - Me...about 4 seconds ago.
What started as a great thought, soon morphed into something ugly. Ugly means different, right? Hmm...Maybe I should check out one of them fancy dictionaries...
I was contemplating what to ramble on about today. There were so many ideas to get to, but one was standing out. I remembered that a few days ago when the weather was warming up and it felt spring-ish, I had spring-ly thoughts darting around in my head. Then it left. I moved on to other things. Today, when I learned it was supposed to be a glorious day, I got excited. I could get around to writing down the nagging thoughts of the past week!
So, when I turned the knob of my front door this morning, my brain was thriving with thoughts and descriptions. How would I explain the first taste of sweet spring air? What would it feel like? I twisted the knob and breathed in deep. I blinked. You could almost hear the sound of wise sayings and eloquent spring speeches jumping off a precipice.
The air didn't feel like spring at all! Summer had snuck up behind it and carried away my friend, Spring. Nasty thief that he is, Summer didn't wait long enough for me to explain my predicament to him in a very mature Man-to-Season fashion.
All this was jarring, mind you. But I am not one to be easily shaken. I gathered myself and prepared a new plan. Ill explain the first taste of summer instead. Cunning, I know.
It was all wonderful. Nearly magical, in fact. The slight stickiness of my jeans to my legs. The cool, March breeze stroking my skin. The sun was warm and felt like candy on my skin and tongue. I found myself breathing deeply as the stale winter air was purged from the New England atmosphere. As night descended around me, it only got better. I had my arm around this cute girl I know. My shoes slapped along a sidewalk, taking me one step at a time to an unknown adventure. I would have held my breath in anticipation, but breathing gave me too much pleasure. I missed this. Every single part. For months, I've put a smile on while it snowed time after time. Even when frigid winds bit into me through my cozy coat. This felt like shaking it all off.
I was at home. Then like a particularily stubborn band-aid being pulled off, the aforementioned cute girl informed me of the looming certainty of a return to cool, damp air. I felt instantly broken. Just like that, it was all taken away. So here I sit. Saying goodbye to an old friend whose visit was far too short. I miss you already, Summer. Come back soon.
Your Passionate Fan Even When All The Other New Englanders Grow Sick of Yet Another "Scorcha" And Complain Until I Suspect Their Mouths Will Abandon Their Faces In Complete Disgust of Their Unthankfulness
On second thought...just call me Nate.
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