Tuesday, March 15, 2011


You might not know this, but... Im a muss. Part man. Part wuss. *nods* Its true. And I've begun to accept it as such. Now there's a funny thing about us musses. We often have deep philosophical thoughts floating around in our heads. Especially when we write a blog post the night before about promising to be more creative. Or when we witness the first flight of a baby robin as it leaps from the secure nest and into the unkown blue sky trusting only its frail wings to keep it from certain death. Either one of those has that effect.

These deep thoughts have to come out somehow. They were so burdensome that I couldn't sleep last night, so I decided to try something new. I wrote my thoughts out in a letter. But I wrote it like I would if I could be sure of no one ever seeing it. I haven't fully decided if I want it to be seen by eyes other than mine.

After I was finished writing it, (It was a time of night that I should probably keep to myself or risk getting stern glares from responsible adults.) I drifted off to sleep quite easily. It was as if all those thoughts had disappeared merely because I put them into the physical world. Just before unconsciousness took me, I had one thought replacing them all: Why don't we pray like that?

Why don't we pray as if no one, but God, could hear us? Im not implying that God doesn't count as a someone.  It just seems like, for myself at least, the temptation is to hold our weaknesses back. Do we forget that God knows it anyway? Better than we do. Yet when I pray I still hold back the not-so-wonderful parts of me. I think Im going to change that now. Im guessing it will help quite a bit.

In fact, I think honesty with everyone would be a good change for humanity. I don't mean dumping your life story on the cashier at the supermarket merely because she asked you how you're day has been. But whats the use of keeping secrets from those who we know really love us? Whether its a best friend, or a parent, or a sibling. Im fairly certain they can handle most of our secrets. Now, lest you think Im being hypocritical, I will do the same. Ill let my best friend read my unreadable letter. If she can't love me, while knowing that stuff, then no one can.

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