Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Me, Myself, and Tommy Page.

Many a night I've spent wondering why I exist. I now know the answer to it.

I am a hodge-podge. A mash-up of sorts. I'm not my own person. I'm two people morphed into one. And I'm beginning to accept my fate. For a while now, I've known about this celebrity from the 80's who looks eerily similar to me. His name is Tommy Page. (Don't believe me? Scroll down to the bottom...) Until now, I've chalked it up to him being my much-older doppelganger. I have discovered it to be something far more sinister than that.

In my perusing of Facebook, I discovered something. I was looking for a certain girl named Meg's fanpage. In searching for it, I stumbled upon the profile of another (more than one, in fact) girl with the same name.

It was then that a thought clicked in my head. I decided to search for people on Facebook with my name. I know, I know. Its far from a novel idea. I've done it a few times before. But what I discovered this time was surprising.

A ways down the list, was a guy with exactly the same name as me. He was dressed as Woody and standing next to a Toy Story 3 poster.

Using this information, I have deduced what happened. Someone cloned Tommy Page, gave the clone that other Nate's personality and name, and then swapped the clone (That's me) with the baby my parents actually had. I haven't figured out why. My first step is to track down both Tommy Page, and the other Nate. Oh and my parents' real kid, I guess. I might as well.

All I know is that the person behind this has sinister intentions, and I'm not a human being in the normal sense of the word. So much makes sense now.

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