Friday, March 4, 2011


You can never have enough of a good thing. Or is it you can always have too much of a good thing? *shrugs* I can't remember. All I know is that one blog stuffed to the brim with goofy stories straight from the terror-saturated destination that is Myimaginationia, is great, so why not two?
So here they are...My thoughts... *crickets chirp*
Let's start with the obvious. Im writing on a blog that no one will ever see. Most likely. When I started Kemenbarian Tales, the whole purpose was to allow people to read what I write. The purpose of this is to see how long I can hide what I write. Maybe not long since they are both under the same profile and therefore it is exceedingly easy to discover. For the record, it is March 4th, 2011. My money is on Meg finding it first. Im guessing within a month. Who ever does find it, let me know.
So, non-existant readers, you're probably thinking, "What's wrong with this nut-case? Who starts a blog with the purpose of keeping it a secret? And then names it "Sidereally Pensive"? What kind of name is that?" I must admit, those are all valid questions. Ones I've thought of myself. (Obviously.) So I've made this handy little guide to answer all your pressing inquiries Lets start at the beginning.
           Handy Guide To Answer All Your Pressing Questions

Answer To Pressing Question #1: Doctors aren't quite sure. Most are forming their theories at the moment. Its probably some sort of brain defect that originated around Panama and the only known case is me. What makes this extremely odd is that I've never been near Panama. For now they're calling it O.D.D. (It doesn't stand for anything. It just means "odd." Putting the periods there just makes it seem more scientific.) At least until they come up with a catchier name for the books they'll write.

Answer To Pressing Question #2: Me, obviously. For more information, see Answer To Pressing Question #1

Answer To Pressing Question #3: See Answer To Pressing Question #2.

Answer To Pressing Question #4: Here's the thing. I have absolutely zero musical talent. That doesn't stop me from pretending otherwise. I've had "Pensive" (which means "thoughtful") as my band name for the longest time. Recently, I discovered it was already taken. So I searched for an orignal name. I came up with "Sidereal" (which means "In relation to the stars"), but, alas, that was taken as well. So I ended up going with "Eternally Stray." The problem is I still loved those words, so I smushed them together and made it a blog. Voila! Instant awesomeness.

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