Sunday, August 21, 2011


This blog has provided me (and hopefully you) with unimaginable enjoyment over the past several months. I've had fun being silly and serious. And none of that is by any means going away. I'll still have random posts. I'll still put up pictures. I'll still explain my day. I'll still write strange and honest songs. I'm just adding a little something to the mix. I suppose its not all that new. I've done posts on Bible passages before. Its just that now I'm going to do them more regularly.

Every month, I'm going to write a blog post about a passage from the Bible. I'll be starting at the Sermon on the Mount and I'll just take it one passage at a time. I'll put it together just like I did when I was preparing devotionals.

I'm really quite happy about this. The very best studying I've ever done was when I needed to share it with people. So thats what I'm trying to create. With luck, this will help me stay focused on God amidst the craziness of my life. I don't know if I'll get just one done a month, or two, or four. It depends on my schedule. But I will be doing them.

And one more thing. None of these will be about me preaching "at" anyone or even preaching at all. I'll just be sharing my thoughts and studies and what God has laid on my heart after a month spent digging in one specific passage. I hope you all get something out of them as I know that I will. I honestly can't wait to get started.

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