Where to begin...
I don't even know anymore. I could detail my experiences of the week. That'd be boring and pointless. You all know anyway. You about my new job, my belly flop, and everything else that happened to me. I honestly feel like I'm losing my mind. Scary thoughts and feelings are inching their way to the back of my mind. Its taking a while. I've had to leave one of my favorite things behind, but it beats the feeling of being terrified of nothing at all. Long story.
I would like to apologize to everyone who came into contact with me during the month of August. I haven't been a pleasant person. Im sorry.
I hope to change that. Let me start now...
Once a turtle licked its own restricted planning meeting. He licked everyone of those Iguanaz. Yes, thats Iguanaz with a "z." They rap better than you would expect. Go ahead. Just ask them about their rendition of God Bless America. Its amazing. Your earbuds will thank you. And then they'll melt into a puddle of happiness.
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