It never fails. As soon as I get to a Bible passage I've read a thousand times, God forces me to see it from another viewpoint. The moment I get that smug, I-know-this-already feeling, Life comes crashing in to prove me wrong.
I was reading James 2 yesterday. Specifically, verses 17 and 18. They are...
"Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works; show me thy faith without thy works, and I will show thee my faith by my works."
Verses like these terrify me. I'm forced to sit here and wonder if my life and my actions match up with the faith I claim to have. Do yourself a favor and wonder right along with me. We could all use a little more self-examination. Do we act like we should? Do our works provide the undeniable proof that our faith is true, real, and tangible?
Any honest person will admit that more often than not, we don't act like we should. That's part of being human. We're sinners. Saved or not, sin will be a part of us as long as we live on Earth. That's not an excuse though.
A person with faith will act differently. Faith is a belief in things unseen. There's no physical proof to back up our faith. Rather, its the faith and the actions that result, that prove what we believe. So, does our faith back it up?
I recommend you try what I did this morning. Ask God to provide ways for your faith to be turned into action. Every single time I pray for such a thing, something happens extremely soon. Today, for example. God gave me a choice. Go against Him even though I could justify it and no one would know what I did. Or follow that all-too-quiet voice in my heart pleading with me to trust God's will.
I'm not saying this to toot my own horn. I really wanted to go against God. I wanted my own way. But my heart has been slowly molded to God's will. Much to my own surprise, I did what was right. Why? Reason says I could have gotten away with it. And even not felt guilty about it. Yet I didn't do it.
What changed? The simple answer is, Me. I changed. God changed me. My faith in Him has produced action. I can't help but praise God. Its real! My faith is alive!
Don't get lulled into thinking (even subconsciously) that our works are the reason God saved us. Our faith is what saves us. Works merely provide evidence that our faith is alive and well.
I understand that for as long as I live, my faith will be tested and tried. I pray to God that He continues His work in me and that my faith is found true always. I know I'll stumble. I won't always choose rightly. But I WANT to. And that's all God needs. Slowly and surely, He'll keep molding my heart to act like His does.
Don't get caught up in "life" like I tend to do. Follow God with everything your heart has in it. Don't get sidetracked or distracted from the real reasons we're here. Love God. Let your faith grow. No. Don't "let" it grow. Plead with God to strengthen it. Make that your single greatest wish. Make THAT the reason you get up in the morning. I can't think of a better way to ensure a "Well done, my good and faithful servant," on that day when we arrive in Heaven. And I can't think of anything I want more than to hear those words come out of the mouth of my Savior.
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