For reasons unknown to me, my most recent post has vanished from my blog. Poof! Its just gone. I don't know why, but I guess that's ok. It adds a bit more mystery to the whole thing, wouldn't you say?
I shan't let that stop me. I'll keep meandering on my own little purple path of nonsensicality. I'll admit I wish to leave all readers of this blog amused. I'm sorry if I've failed. In reality, I've been warring against the urge to mimic other people and stray from my style and shtick. Its tempting.
Maybe my style isn't terribly good or amusing or funny. But it is mine. And, the truth is, I find it to be enormously fun.
Let me take a break from serious subjects and delve into more silly ventures. *grins* If the very thought sends bone-chilling shivers down your spinal column, then you can leave. I won't be very offended. I promise. Its understandable, really. I may however have a funeral for your viewership. Complete with turquoise colored balloons. (What?! Its a mournful color. I'd even go so far as to say The Most Mournful Color. Just don't tell Henry.)
I promise to invite a flutist to this funeral to play a stirring rendition of "The Wheels On The Bus." I'll even make sure the flutist has a beard. Thats right, a bearded flutist. Just for you. Is that love or what?
Come to think of it, its such great love that you would never want to leave it. You should just stay. And read my blog posts. Then you'll enjoy yourself. And maybe, just maybe, you'll be in such a great mood that the trip to Switzerland you've always dreamed about won't seem quite so impossible. And you'll actually go. Maybe you'll even drag your cat, Fritz, along for the ride. You'll swim in a bubbling river. And marry a coffee shop owner who is bald and answers to several variations of "John." Just remember to ignore the scar over his left earlobe. And NEVER mention Henry to him, or him to Henry. Things would get ugly, and I'm not just refering to John's scar.
Anyway, the point is. My art WILL change your life. And cabinets are awesome. Thats my other point.
What was that? You didn't remember me mentioning cabinets, you say? I'm not making any sense, you say? Well, clearly you didn't read the sub-text. I alluded to cabinets at least 4 and a half times. Sheesh. People these days...
-Hi_am the Nate
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