Hello there. Welcome to my world. My messed-up, crazy, color-infused world. First off, let me get right to the point in a way that a spear with a jetpack would be jealous of. I am a hipster. Partially.
No, I didn't say hippie. And thats certainly not what I meant. Its "Hipster." If you don't know what a hipster is, I will provide a nifty list of what makes a hipster a hipster. Complete with some useful comments on whether or not each specific thing applies to me.
A List of Hipster Traits
- Quirky glasses, generally over-sized, neon, or just plain nerdy. (Check. I have some nerdy, Clark Kent-ish glasses)
- Skinny jeans (NO. WAY. JOSE.)
- Mismatched or bizarre clothing choices. (Kind of. I have been known to wear an odd tie or two.)
- Plaid clothing (CHECK. I love my plaid shirt.)
- Wildly liberal (Nope. Not at all. I'm a rare breed: the Conservative hipster. I guess that makes me REALLY hipster.)
- Snobbishness or Know-it-all-itis. (I like to think I have neither of those diseases, but I might be mistaken.)
- An unusual taste in music, mostly revolving around a great passion for Indie music. (Here is my greatest hipster quality. I love unknown, indie music. Its the best. Although Im not a complete indie snob. I listen to a fair amount of mainstream stuff, too. But only the really good mainstream stuff.)
-They use "Helvetica" exclusively as their font. (*looks guilty*)
-They are filthy, stinkin' rich... (Not really, no.)
-...Yet act homeless. (I'm not gonna lie. I've been tempted.)
Those are a few of the things that people identify as "hipster." But that's not exactly a definition. So I will define it as best as I can.
"Hipsters are a group of people devoted to not belonging to a specific group." -Me
(What's that? That's ironic, you say? Yes, well, they like that too.)
Which is why it can be argued that no true hipster likes to be called one. It goes against everything they (we) stand for. On the other hand, since most people don't like hipsters, then those who do are truly counter-cultural and therefore the "real" hipsters.
There's just one problem. The only people who really like hipsters are the "poser" hipsters. Which makes the group that is being counter-cultural to the counter-cultural sub-culture of Hipsterism by following those who refuse to follow anyone, the only real Hipsters after all. Confused yet? Yeah well so is everyone else. This is what happens when a bunch of people against groups accidentally create their very own.
Im not entirely a hipster. Or at least thats what I tell myself to help me sleep at night. I like to think that the weird, quirky things I do are me being me. Only time will tell. If I stay this way long after Hipsterism is just a brief, humorous side-note in history text books, then we'll know it was genuine. And I'll be looked upon with disdain. And thats how it was always meant to be.
(To Be Continued...)
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