Tuesday, April 5, 2011

And this is what happens when philosophical thoughts, too much time on my hands, and exhaustion all converge in my brain.

Last night I wrote a song. In short, it is about the three things on my mind lately. I know they seem like distinct and seperate thoughts, but I promise you they're all related in my head. In a weird way. Don't ask.

Sincerely, Me

Dear Dreams
Please follow me
Into the deep and dark abyss
So aptly
Called "reality"

And Dear Love
Please tell me
Where are you from?
And where did your relatives
fly off to?
Now that they seem
So relatively far away

And finally
Dear Toe Hair
I find it
Slightly unfair
That not one song
Has been written
About you
So let me change that
And please don't be confused
This song was always about you
You aren't a side-note
To me
Im fairly certain
You posess the ability
To float
And thats hardly
An easy feat
You live on my feeeeeeeeeet

Yeah...so...thats pretty much it. Believe it or not it makes sense to me.

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