Tuesday, February 5, 2013


There is an illustration so tired and over-used, I feel reluctant to mention it. The way a lump of coal is formed into a diamond with immense amounts of pressure is supposed to teach us something about ourselves. If we just sit through the pressures of life long enough, we may just find ourselves making the transformation from an ugly lump of coal into a beautiful diamond that is worth a lot of money and some poor bloke can spend half his life savings on in order to, ironically, add the pressures of marriage to his life.

OK, so, maybe that illustration fell off the proverbial rails at some point. Forgive me.

My problem with this whole business is that no one ever stops to ask the lump of coal how he feels about this. Maybe he doesn't particularly care for being a diamond. Maybe he doesn't think he's diamond material. I know, I know. Off the rails again.

I don't know where I'm taking this. You know the wise words, "Don't drink and drive"? Maybe we should add, "Don't blog and fume." Well, Folks, I'm fuming. If you could catch the steam coming out of my ears, you could power a locomotive.

I just feel pressure. Inner pressures dying to force their way out, as well as outward pressures all too eager to make their way in. Do you know the feeling in life when there's a million things for you to do and in the time it takes you to do one, four more pop up? And you're at a figurative dead-sprint just trying to make it through the week? And then the floor you're running on drops out beneath you? That's me.

Its at times like this that I find a surprising circumstance. I find a wonderful, merciful Savior who has saved me once and for all and continues to lead me day by day. I find My Lord, Jesus Christ. Even when all the earthly things and human people I depend on have stopped being sturdy leaning posts, I find a Heavenly Father who never wavers. In His Arms, I do not have a to-do list. Or a rule book to get me through life. In Him, I have a relationship of Love and Faith and Obedience.

I find that the pressures of life don't change me in and of themselves, but only in the sense that they send me hurrying to Him. In His Hands, I can handle the pressures of life. And by His Power, I will go through a transition that puts the coal-to-diamond one to shame.

"For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
     --Matthew 11:30--

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