Tuesday, September 20, 2011

An Age At Least

As you all well know, today is Meg's Day. My plans for this day have been slightly hampered by the constant rain and general gloominess outside. I think thats ok. Ill just have to improvise slightly. Actually, that's all I've been doing this morning. I've been trying to improvise to make up for the fact that I planned most of the day around being outside without once checking up on the weather to make sure he'd behave. Well, he's not.

Maybe it'll work out fine. I sure hope so. All I want is this day to show Meg how much I love her and how wonderfully amazing she is. Believe me, she's amazing. It's gonna take all day to tell her the overview. But more on that later.

You may have noticed that my description changed. In honor of Meg Day, I changed it to a poem that reminds me of her. Its called, "To His Coy Mistress" by Andrew Marshall. I recommend y'all should read it. Its nice and sappy.

I intend to spend everyday for the rest of my life showing this beautiful young woman how much I love her. Sure, sometimes I'll fail miserably. I feel like this week was one of those times. I was caught up in all sorts of confusing, conflicting emotions. My brain wasn't feeling ok. And honestly, I nearly cried in public at least 4 times. Yeah. Its been that kind of a week.

Anywho. I love her so much. And everything about her really is incredible. I just hope I can show her that today.

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